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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How it Feels to be Artistic Me

Ever since I was little- around two or three- my Uncle Ben gave me my first 12 Crayola box of crayons. When he taught me how to hold it, that was when I started my "hobby" of drawing. At the time, it was only scribbles on paper but now, my ideas are coming to life.

I always try to keep a sketch book with me all the time to draw my ideas down if it is something that I see or what I think of. You never know when you will find inspiration. When I draw, I always try to think of something creative that no one else thought of.

When I was little, my mother taught me how to sew buttons onto a piece of left over blue fabric - she even got me a little cherry red sewing box that I will have today- filled with different colored thread, pieces of scrap fabrics, and unusual buttons. During October, I usually see my mother sewing my sister's and my costumes. Since the beginning of this year (actually ever since I was little) I really wanted to learn how to create costumes like my mother does. For the last few months, she has been teaching me the basics of sewing. The hardest part for me is to get out the pattern, cutting it, then iron without any water, just heat, making it sooth instead of wrinkled. Then pinning it to the fabric.

Another artistic thing that I do well is projects. Any project that I did in the past, I always did my research on the topic and did beyond what there other students did on what they call "basic" or normal". I went "the extra mile" to make mine that stood out from everyone else. Even at times, my teachers wanted to keep then and that's what makes mine unique.

Many people wouldn't call this artistic but it is: Any kind of Martial Arts. There are many types: Karate, Tae Kwan Do, Aikido, Judo, Ju Jitsu, etc. etc. etc. Martial Arts IS an art, it makes me to learn "the way" and you must practice. Martial Arts does not mean of what people mainly think of: people doing flying kicks to the throat, a person throwing another person over his shoulder to make their opponent fall on the floor in a daze, one simple hand grab that brings people to their edge of their mercy, one grab to the neck and there out cold . . . Yes Martial Arts do that but it means more than that. People also think its all male. That is not true, females can do it as well and in my way, its easier for a woman since there are smaller built and more flexible than a man but the man has more upper body strength. You MUST learn the material before you move onto another belt. People think its all about what rank you are, that is not the case. As a Martial Artist in training, I move from belt to belt a bit slower than most but I WILL know the material inside and out before moving on to the next rank.

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